I apologise for the delay in posting new updates, I am currently going through 1000's of pictures that I have taken in Sri Lanka over the past few visits, and hours of videos. Once I have sufficient content processed I will return to posting more articles.
I am currently editing the following articles
- Colombo
- Kandy
- Polonnaruwa
- Dambulla
Also as part of my "Sri Lanka - The great hydro civilisation" series I am looking at posting an article about each of the must see sites in Anuradhapura, along with 10's of pictures I have taken.
Whats in store for the next few weeks, well, I have noticed that a lot of you want trip plans, and route ideas, so I will be putting together a series of itineraries for would be travellers to consider.
As part of my Colombo series I plan to talk about the various Cafes and Resturants in the city. So stay tuned for more updates, as I strive to make my blog the one stop shop for everything about Sri Lanka.
In the mean time do not forget to check out
My YouTube Channel
Flicker Feed