The Trip went smoothly with lot of pictures along the way of birds, scenery and other animals that we could see. A few highlights below, taken on the mathugama-kalawana road.
It was around 8PM when we finally reached our end destination for the night, was not too impressed with blue magpie lodge, although I must say it was excellently positioned, the staff were friendly, however the rooms need a bit of upgrade work done to them. More information on this can be found here . Below are some pictures from the lodge
The second day consisted of an early start, and trekking in the rain forest, the trek lasted 3 hours. The guide we got was very well educated in the sights and sounds of the forest and recommended a longer visit, the reason we chose the 3 hour trek was due to the lack of available time in the day.
We did get to see a few interesting things, here are some of the highlights below
The guide was very insistent that we try the route from Waddagala to Rakwana and then to Ratnapura and back to Colombo, as the preferred route to take. Here are some of the pictures taken on the route.